Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Life it is a changin' and movin' right along

We were graced with our own piano recital where we were requested to sit in the audience (in our living room) and Amelie tinkled the ivories to the tunes of I Have a Little Dreidle and Bingo. For the girl we've always said can't not talk, she chattered to herself the whole way through with interjections of "Hmm", "Where was I" (giggle) "Oh yeah" "here we go" (giggle). Meanwhile we had the view of her tiny feet crossed at the ankle swinging back and forth below the piano bench.

More good news on our journey to Han. We got our I-800 approval (form that says we can adopt Han specifically and bring him back to the U.S. - big form in the Adoption world!). We weren't expecting this until end of Feb. so that is one more thing that is moving right along faster than we anticipated. Fingers are crossed the remaining steps will go as smoothly!

1 comment:

nikki said...

I'm so happy for you all. I can just see Amelia's little feet swinging under piano bench.