Friday, September 11, 2009

School Days

Lots has been going on in the Valentine household. But, the biggest news is that Amelie is now in Lakeland Montessori and just finished up her 3rd week there. She has been so excited and engaged in the whole school process that she now wants to go full days. Currently, she is going 1/2 days but feels left out when I pick her up right after lunch before she gets to play with the other kids on the playground. So, we've discussed with her teacher and the director of the school and she'll go full days next week as a trial period. We'll see how it goes! If it works, she'll take a nap after lunch, then get to play on the playground with her fellow PreK friends.

She's been a little magpie when I pick her up and tells me all of the exciting things she got to do that day like who she sat next to at lunch, or what work she did that day, or if Amanda came into the classroom or who had what in their lunchbox or precisely what each of her teachers was wearing that day. The other day, we were driving around in the car and she told Allen and I, "I told Ms. Helpling that I changed my name to Sleeping Beauty." Then, she follows by slapping her forhead and saying, "Oh shoot! I forgot to tell Mr. Romey!"

Over the summer, we had a great roadtrip with Nana when we drove all the way up to Maine. We stopped in Virginia to see Natural Bridge and Luray Caverns which were both beautiful. The highlight for Amelie was the maze at Luray Caverns in which she successfully navigated our way out. We also stopped at Old Sturbridge Village, MA before ending up in Maine. Sturbridge is a colonial village where the people who work there try to demonstrate living and working the way the villagers would have lived back in the 1800s. This was also a neat stop, but one Amelie would probably appreciate more when she is older.

Of course, we had a wonderful time in Maine seeing Granny Great. We also got to see Cindy and Mike for the first few days, our Lakeland friends Christine and Madelyn and my friend from Quebec - Marie. Amelie tried her first lobster and was a HUGE fan! We headed over to Old Orchard Beach for the first time ever too.

On the way back, we had a wonderful time staying in New York with my wonderful friend Laurie and her 2 kids Sage and Blake. I hadn't seen Sage since she was 1 month old and now she's a few months younger than Amelie! It was great meeting Blake who is 1+ and walking all over! We got to visit her sister Linny and her 2 kids at their lake house and spent a wonderful day boating, swimming, playing. We also got to visit our China friends the Nielson's who were in our travel group to pick up their little beauty Stephanie. Amelie and Stephanie were instant friends and had a wonderful time. We then headed to Maryland for a great visit with Katie's parents Bob and Ann. Katie's sister Jessie got to hang with us too and we went to the Calvert Maritime Museum and a great bluegrass festival. The only disappointment was when we drove on to the farm where the bluegrass festival and Amelie said "Hey! This grass is green!"

Amelie has now been taking Gymnastics for a couple months and is very enthusiastic. My favorite part is watching her launch herself across the long trampoline in her own unique style.

Amelie is now very into My Little Pony and Barbie movies and stories. However, she does, occasionally reprise her role as Darth Vader and is recently getting interested in Avatar again. For the most part though, she is very girlie.

Amelie is very articulate and suprises a lot of people with how well she speaks and how broad her vocabulary is at such a young age. She does still have a few words that have her own pronunciation. For example, instead of saying "Mama, did you forget?" (unfortunately, this is something that happens a lot), she'll say "Mama, did you feeget?" Or, instead of "they like to play with each other", she'll say "they like to play with reach other".

She has gotten very good at telling stories and making up scenes for things even if we're just playing or riding in the car, she'll say, "Okay Mama, let's pretend that you're Alexa and I'm Liana and we're walking through the garden". Of course, many of these scenes are taken from movies, but many are unique. So, I recently had her tell me a story all her own and I wrote it down. Our next step is to print it out and illustrate it. It's a cute little story about pony princesses. I'll be sure to hold on to it so she can refer back to it once she's a famous author.

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