Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Green Meadows Farm

Last summer, we went to Green Meadows Farm in Kissimee with Amy, Kevin, Abby, Malia and Amanda and Emerson. The girls had a great time at this petting zoo as they were given a chance to really interact with the animals.

When you get there, you are lead on a 2 hr. tour going to each of the animal pens and can milk the cow, hold baby ducks and chickens, pet filthy goats, chase and catch geese and ducks and ride the horses, go on a hayride and train ride. It really is a great place, although you should definitely wear closed-toed shoes if you're thinking of heading over there.

Amelie wasn't too interested in holding the animals or milking the cow this time, but she did like to pet them. When asked if she wanted to milk the cow, "No, I'll just pet him to make him happy". I couldn't argue with that.

2 hrs. is a bit much for her age group, so after a while, she was more interested in pulling the wagons. She never did want to sit in one until the very end of the day. I knew she must have been whooped then.

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