Monday, July 31, 2006

One giant leap...

It is tough to describe the emotions that Maile and I have experienced today. We have been waiting so long for this moment, and now it is finally here. The words joy, blessing, elation, all come to mind. We finally have a picture of our baby girl, and we feel closer to her than ever. She is as beautiful as I could have imagined, and Maile mentioned that she looks like Amelie in her dreams.

On to the good stuff. Today we learned that our daughter:

- Was born on October 28th, 2005. She is about 9 months old.

- Her chinese name is Yong Xiao Ping, and she is from the Hunan province.

- She weighs about 13.64lbs, and she is a deep sleeper.

- She is a very active and restless baby, and she loves games and music!

- She can roll over and hold her head up by herself. Quite the independent girl already! She will fit into our family quite nicely!

- She is very close with her care giver, which we are told is good news in terms of bonding with us.

This girl is adorable, and we can't wait to have her in our arms. The wait has been a long one, and waiting further until we can travel and be with her will be all the harder. But we will try and stay busy with all of the things we need to get done, and she will be with us in no time.

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